Message for Parents

Parents usually do parenting as they have learned  from their own parents.

This type of parenting is based on traditional methods and tools.

Our parents could afford ignorance or irresponsibility, but we can not.

So we as parents have to be more responsible and well informed about our role as parents.

Below are given some important tips to keep in mind while playing our role as a parent.

  • Parents are the first role models of the children.

  • What parents do and discuss in presence of the child, every thing is learned and stored  by the child from age 2 .  So parents should not demonstrate anger in presence of the  children.

  • The child should be able to develop a belief that his parents are truthful .

  • Honesty should be displayed , to develop the honest child.

  • Happy and joyful behavior of parents develops,  creativity and positive attitude of the child.

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